اسعار اليوريا، اسعار الامونيا، اسعار الفوسفات / داب & ماب/، اسعار سلفات الامونيوم، اسعار نترات الامونيوم، اسعار البوتاس، اسعار الكبريت

Hello Dear Sir's Here are Global Fertilizer Raw material Prices Report update 6 January 2018                              

Urea Prices

Granular urea

Chinese Urea still out off International Markets, prices in local markets
 $270-355 per metric ton fob.
Urea prices in the Middle East $233-265 per metric ton fob.
Egyptian urea prices $261-265.5 per metric ton fob.
prices in USA Nola $218-243 per metric ton fob.

Prilled urea

Prilled urea  prices in the Black Sea and Baltic $219-230 per metric ton fob.
Chinese prilled urea $275-355 per metric ton fob.

Ammonia Prices

In the Middle East prices $315-340 per metric ton fob.
Ammonia prices in Black Sea and Baltic $310-330 per metric ton fob.
Ammonia prices in USA Gulf 285 per metric ton fob.
Ammonia prices in USA Tampa C&F $355 per metric ton.

Phosphate Prices

DAP Prices

In Morocco DAP  prices $386-413 per metric ton fob.
DAP Tunisia prices $410-415 per metric ton fob.
( Morocco rock phosphate price $75-85 per ton fob ).
DAP USA prices in Tampa $387.5-395 per metric ton fob.
DAP USA Nola prices $328-364.5 per metric ton fob.
China DAP prices $405-412 per metric ton fob.
Middle east DAP prices about $392-418 per metric ton fob.
DAP prices in Italy $415 per metric ton fob.

MAP Prices

MAP prices in Brazil $400-407 per metric ton c&f.
MAP Nola USA prices 350-354.5 per metric ton fob.
MAP Russian prices $380-390 per metric ton fob.

Potash Prices

Canada potash prices $218-240 per metric ton fob.
prices in Brazil  $285-291 cif per metric ton cfr .
Potash Standard prices in Southeast Asia $253-266 cif per metric ton.
Potash prices in USA Nola $210-213.5 per metric ton fob.
Chinese prices $290-320 per metric ton fob.
Potash prices in Russia $197-271 per metric ton fob.
Potash prices in Jordon $226-273 per metric ton fob.

Ammonium Sulphate prices

Southeast Asia Ammonium Sulphate prices  $131.5 per metric ton cfr.
Chinese Ammonium Sulphate prices $96.5-120 per metric ton fob.

Ammonium Nitrate prices

Ammonium Nitrate  Black Sea prices  $200-230 per metric ton fob.
Ammonium Nitrate China prices  $270-315 per metric ton fob.

Sulphur prices

Saudi Aramco Sulphur prices $140 per metric ton for January 2018 fob.
UAE Adnoc Sulphur prices $155 per metric ton for January 2018 fob.
Qatari Sulphur prices $144 per metric ton for January 2018 fob.
Chinese Sulphur prices $170-225 per metric ton fob.
USA Tampa Sulphur price $110 per ton c&f.

For any details you can contact us via mail:



Anas Mhd


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